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Creating Roundups

Generate SEO-optimized buying guides in minutes with AI. Earn commissions when readers click through and purchase products.

Step 1: Choose a Data Source

Choose between our product data sources, and tell us what you or a target audience would be interested in. Let's assume you have a blog with tips and parenting advice for new moms. You might input several details about your target audience, or very little detail to define a broad audience and just input "new moms".

<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.Create Roundups Step 1">Create Roundups Step 1</span>

Step 2: Choose a Focus

We'll give you a set of high-level product categories for your Roundup. Selecting only one category will result in a more focused Roundup (e.g. 10 Drones Worth Buying in 2024). Multiple selections will result in boader Roundups (e.g. Top 25 Father's Day Gifts).

<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.Creating Roundups Step 2">Creating Roundups Step 2</span>

Optionally, if you plan to publish a Roundup (not just keep it for yourself), add SEO data and you can get more specific and include keywords in your content that will optimize your Roundup for Google Search.

<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.Creating Roundups Step 2">Creating Roundups Step 2</span>

We query Google for recent search data that tells you what users are actually searching for in Google, how often, and whether the competition to rank for specific keywords is low, medium, or high. If the competition is low, that could be a good opportunity for you to publish a Roundup that gives you the best opportunity to reach a target audience because fewer people are focused on targeting that audience.

Step 3: Choose a Writing Style

What tone should AI use in it's writing style, and what language do you want the Roundup in?

<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.Create Roundups Step 3">Create Roundups Step 3</span>

Finally, the output of the Roundup will be determined based on the number of products you want to include. Do you want a lengthy single product review, a head-to-head battle, a 3-column comparison, or deep insights and a deep comparison table of up to 50 products?

Step 4: Choose a Catchy Headline

In this section, you'll we'll take your inputs from the previous steps to generate some headlines. Don't worry if you don't love the choices. It's just to guide you and you can edit this after. These are suggested headlines, backed by data that can help you spark interest and realize click throughs to your Roundup. Headlines may include a number, a date, or an upcoming holiday or season, all factors that can help you demonstrate your content is fresh, ideal for SEO and ranking well in search engines.

<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.Create Roundups Step 4">Create Roundups Step 4</span>

Step 5: Choose Products

Here is where you'll select products for your Roundup. We'll suggest the most popular on Amazon, but you can change the ranking of products here. Note that the ranking of products at this step will determine the ranking of products in your Roundup, but once you generate a draft Roundup, you can re-order the products any way you want and re-generate the roundup in your preferred order. At this step you'll just want to make sure you choose exactly the number of products that you indicated you want to include in the "Style" step described earlier.

<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.Create Roundups Step 5">Create Roundups Step 5</span>

Once the product selection meter turns green, you're all set. Just click "Create Roundup" and we'll generate a draft. Remeber that if you choose more than 5 products, your Roundup we'll be queued for processing but with less than 5 products stand by and watch the magic happen.

Preview your Roundup

Your draft Roundup may take seconds, or may take minutes (We'll email you) when it's ready. Discover insights with your personalized research report on products!

<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.Create Roundups Step 6">Create Roundups Step 6</span>

Edit Roundups

You can make any change you want to content using the Roundups Editor. Copy and paste, add or delete images, add links with your own calls-to-action, or to stylize individual elements of the page.

<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.Create Roundups Step 8">Create Roundups Step 8</span>

We'll automatically save your changes and you can switch back to Preview mode to see what readers will see. Now that you have a Roundup ready to publish, you can click to export to WordPress and monetize Roundups or share directly with the Roundups community.

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Create and Monetize Buying Guides With AI